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Macroaxis | |
Type | Private |
Industry | Portfolio management software |
Founded | 2007 |
Headquarters | San Fransisco, CA[1] |
Number of employees | 11 - 50 |
Related Certifications | Certificate in Portfolio Management Technology Industry Overview |
Macroaxis[2] is a company based in San Francisco Bay Area. Macroaxis Corporation's wealth management platform delivers measurable value in the form of improved return on clients' intellectual property, productivity and managed assets for financial institutions, wealth advisers, and investors of all levels. The company's product is currently in beta and all the services are offered for free. The services can be compared to a full-featured template on which to manage and analyze financial activity and trends quickly and effectively, and it appears to deliver those comprehensive qualities in a straightforward fashion, which should appeal to many prospective users. The company specializes in providing software solutions for the financial services sector, facilitating rapid distribution of financial analytics to larger audiences.
The company[3] positions itself as a collaborative wealth management platform that is based on educated approach to asset selection and allocation enabling investors to present complex wealth management analytics in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Company's implementation of MPT is based on simplicity, speed, accessibility and enhanced user experience, making the technology available to the entire investing community.[4]
- January 2, 2014, Microaxis claimed that Sony has 78% chances to go bankrupt in two years.[5]
- Macroaxis made it easier for retired professionals to become professional money managers. Acting more like a virtual financial adviser, Macroaxis enables baby boomers to utilize many of the tools used by personal wealth advisers and financial planners in a simple, secured, and controlled environment.[6]
- July 25, 2016, Macroaxis launched a new version of its Portfolio Optimization engine, aimed at younger demographics of investors who rely on robo-advisors.[7]
- July 2016, Macroaxis Challenges Robo-advisers by releasing new Portfolio Optimization Engine that enables amateur investors to become money managers.[8]
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