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Type Public
Traded as NASDAQ: HDP
Industry Computer Software
Data Science
Headquarters Santa Clara, California, USA
Key people Alan Gates
Mahadev Konar
Owen O'Malley
Arun C. Murthy
Devaraj Das
Sanjay Radia
Eric Baldeschwieler
Suresh Srinivas[1]
Products Hortonworks Data Platform
Hortonworks DataFlow
Number of employees ~950 (2016)[2]
Related Certifications Certificate in Data Science Industry Overview
Hortonworks is a California based Public software company, developing framework for big data solutions. Hortonworks is Hadoop startup that moved off from Yahoo in 2011 and started off with funds of $23 million from Benchmark and Yahoo .

Hortonworks is an Open source provider of Apache Hadoop Data analysis platform called Hortonworks Data Platform(HDP) powered by Apache Hadoop. Hortonworks Dataflow (HDF) is supported by Apache NiFi.

Hortonworks is an industry leading innovator that creates, distributes and supports enterprise-ready open data platforms and modern data applications that deliver actionable intelligence from all data​: data-in-motion and data-at-rest. Hortonworks is focused on driving innovation in open source communities such as Apache Hadoop, NiFi and Spark. Along with its 1,600+ partners, Hortonworks provides the expertise, training and services that allow customers to unlock transformational value for their organizations across any line of business.

History[edit | edit source]

  • 2011 - Hortonworks team moved off from Yahoo and was formed as an Independent company in the month of June 2011.[3]

Hortonworks announced Microsoft would collaborate on a Hadoop distribution for Microsoft Azure and Windows Server in October 2011.

  • 2012 - Teradata announced an alliance with Hortonworks[4] and Impetus Announced a strategic Partnership with Hortonworks [5]
  • 2013 - Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)'s beta version is available for windows.[6]
  • 2014 - Hortonworks was listed in NASDAQ with 6,250,000 shares[7]
  • 2015 - Hortonworks Acquired Onyara and SequnceIQ
  • 2016 - Wipro and DriveScale partnered with Hortonworks

Products[edit | edit source]

  • Hortonworks Data Platform- HDP is the industry's secure, enterprise-ready open source Apache Hadoop distribution based on a centralized architecture (YARN). Th main components of HDP is the YARN and the HDFS where the HDFS provides the scalable, fault-tolerant, cost-efficient storage for your big data lake, YARN provides the centralized architecture that enables you to process multiple workloads simultaneously.


  • Hortonworks DataFlow -HDF supports Integrated collection from dynamic, disparate and distributed sources of differing formats, schemes, protocols, speeds and sizes such as machines, geo location devices, click streams, files, social feeds, log files and videos with high security to promote real time decisions.
  • Hortonworks Sandbox - Sandbox is a personal, portable Apache Hadoop environment that comes with dozens of interactive Hadoop and it's ecosystem tutorials and the most exciting developments from the latest HDP distribution

Parnerships[edit | edit source]

In 2014,Hortonworks partnered with BMC Software[8] for Big data management framework, Attunity[9] and Cleo[10] for Data integration, SAP[11] and VMWare[12] for cloud, database and other virtualization infrastructure.

In 2015, Hortonworks partnered with Mantech commercial services and B23.[13]

In 2016, Hortonworks partnered with Wipro and Drivescale

Acquisitions[edit | edit source]

In the year 2015, Hortonworks acquired Onyara, the leading contributor to the Apache NiFi Project ( a top level project at Apache Software Foundation). Apache NiFi supported Hortonworks Dataflow[14]. Hortonworks acquired SequenceIQ to provide Automated Deployment of "Hadoop Everywhere"[15]

In the year 2014, Hortonworks Acquired XA Secure, a leading security company, inorder to accelerate Hadoop Security[16]

Top 5 Recent Tweets[edit | edit source]

April 16, 2023VasiliyKharito8@suiswap_app Hortonworks
April 16, 2023VasiliyKharito8@suiswap_app @SuiNetwork Hortonworks
April 11, 2023DataslabThe decision to migrate from #Hortonworks Data Platform to @cloudera Data Platform can offer significant advantage… https://t.co/FPq6l7Bx7e
April 10, 2023jwfbean@random_walker I had actual fresh and opinionated knowledge in this area and ChatGPT just spat out Hortonworks mark… https://t.co/9XLfLbNoPF

Top 5 Recent News Headlines[edit | edit source]

1.What Investors are Making of these Technology Stocks? - Infosys, VMware, Hortonworks, and Atlassian [17]

2.DriveScale Partners With Hortonworks to Improve Flexibility of Hadoop Hardware Platforms - DriveScale, the company that is pioneering flexible, scale-out computing for the enterprise using standard servers and commodity storage, today announced that it has joined the Hortonworks Partnerworks program and successfully completed the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) Certification process for the DriveScale platform.[18]

3.Hortonworks Extends Professional Services and Training Offerings to Meet Growing Customer Demand - The new GPS program will help customers speed their business transformation by providing specific and tailored services.[19]

4.Hortonworks Inc 124.1% Potential Upside Now Implied by Northland Capital - Hortonworks Inc using SYMBOL/TICKER code NASDAQ:HDP had its stock rating noted as ‘Initiated’ with the recommendation being set at ‘OUTPERFORM’ yesterday by analysts at Northland Capital[20]

5.Wipro, Hortonworks tie up to push open source tech - Wipro has partnered with Hortonworks to give its open source initiative an additional push.[21]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Jump up http://hortonworks.com/about-us/founders/
  2. Jump up http://hortonworks.com/about-us/quick-facts/
  3. Jump up http://www.informationweek.com/database/hadoop-big-data-startup-spins-out-of-yahoo/d/d-id/1098613?
  4. Jump up http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/21/teradata-and-hortonworks-join-forces-for-a-big-data-boost/
  5. Jump up http://finance.yahoo.com/news/impetus-hortonworks-strategic-partnership-103000189.html
  6. Jump up http://www.pcworld.com/article/242916/hortonworks_hones_a_hadoop_distribution.html
  7. Jump up http://www.nasdaq.com/markets/ipos/company/hortonworks-inc-949081-76930
  8. Jump up http://www.zdnet.com/article/hortonworks-hadoop-distro-now-supported-by-bmc-software/
  9. Jump up http://www.attunity.com/news/attunity-and-hortonworks-announce-partnership-simplify-big-data-integration-apache-hadoop
  10. Jump up http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20140401005201/en/Cleo-Joins-Hortonworks-Technology-Program
  11. Jump up http://hortonworks.com/blog/sap-and-hortonworks-deliver-hana-hadoop-instant-access-infinite-scale/
  12. Jump up http://hortonworks.com/partner/vector-technology-solutions/
  13. Jump up http://hortonworks.com/press-releases/hortonworks-mantech-and-b23-join-forces-to-deliver-advanced-cyber-security-solutions-powered-by-opensoc/
  14. Jump up http://hortonworks.com/blog/hortonworks-acquires-onyara/
  15. Jump up http://hortonworks.com/blog/hortonworks-acquires-sequenceiq-to-provide-automated-deployment-of-hadoop-everywhere/
  16. Jump up http://hortonworks.com/press-releases/hortonworks-acquires-xa-secure/
  17. Jump up http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/what-investors-are-making-of-these-technology-stocks---infosys-vmware-hortonworks-and-atlassian-583760941.html
  18. Jump up http://www.virtual-strategy.com/2016/06/21/drivescale-partners-hortonworks-improve-flexibility-hadoop-hardware-platforms#axzz4CDtpDsbO
  19. Jump up http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hortonworks-extends-professional-services-and-training-offerings-to-meet-growing-customer-demand-300284849.html
  20. Jump up http://www.directorstalkinterviews.com/hortonworks-inc-124-1-potential-upside-now-implied-northland-capital/412704335
  21. Jump up http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/info-tech/wipro-hortonworks-tie-up-to-push-open-source-tech/article8682526.ece