Suggested Procedure for Job on Verify.Wiki

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This article should outline a suggested process for organizing the work on the Verify.Wiki Project. The author does not claim that this is the best way to organize the work, nor does the author claim that this is the best means of communication for this type of work.

The process

The task at hand can be summarized as follows, as per the email sent:

  1. Review the source article
  2. Research the claims made in the article
  3. Expand the 2 sections on the Verify.Wiki article corresponding to the source
      • Proper references should be added to all content. Care should be taken to avoid repeating content
  4. Verify the edits added by other members.

The roles needed to make the process work

Each of the below roles should have a person/highly inter-communicative team assigned to it. The assignment could be by volunteering or consensus. The assignment should be written in Articles Currently Being Processed and Members Assigned to Them section below to make it clear to everyone who is doing what.

The Roles to be assigned are

  1. Review the source article
  2. Extract all claims made by the article
    • Any claim made by the author of the source article should be documented
  3. Research each claim and decide if it is true or not
  4. Review the Verify.Wiki article and Edit/Proofread it
  • This should be done after any additions or subtractions have been made
  • This person/team should be considered the Page Editor
  • The Page Editor should be the person/team responsible for upkeeping the page
  • Other members should not change edits made or verified by the Editor without first discussing it with them. This is to prevent useless back and forth in the editing.
  • Discussions can always take place in the Discussion section of each page
  • To prevent one person from making all calls related to the page, the Editor could be a team of three people. If 2 out of 3 agree to an edit, then it should be made.</br>
  • The goal of this step is to make sure there are no redundancies, repetitions, uncited claims, and that the general flow of information is smooth and sound.
  • The Editor should also check that the language used is easy to understand, grammatically correct, and contains no spelling mistakes.
  • The Editor should also be responsible for following up on citations:
  • Any uncited claim should be flagged as [citation needed]. Instructions on how to do that can be found here, or in the Wikipedia article with the same name.
  • Citations should be checked to make sure that they actually contain the content that cites them as sources


  • Members can take on multiple roles within the same article.
  • As there are many more people than roles within the articles, having many members in one role means that they can verify each other's work.
  • When editing someone else's work, all members should mention clearly why they made the edit. This relieves the original author, the Editor and others from guessing why the edit was made.

The sections of the Verify.Wiki Article and how to use them

What is the News Story

This section should contain

  1. The link for the source article
  2. A summary of the source article
  3. All the claims found in the article
    • The claims should be in short clear sentences
    • The claims should be in a numbered list

Why is the Story True

This section should contain

  1. Each claim from the section above found to be true
    • Each claim's text and its number should be formatted as Subheading 1
    • The rationale and supporting resources for why the claim is true can be made under the Subheading.

No other information or sources should be mentioned in this section. Just the claim from the article and the rationale and resources supporting its truthfulness

Why the Story Has Misinformation

This section should contain

  1. Each claim from the first section found to be untrue
    • Each claim's text and its number should be formatted as Subheading 1
    • The rationale and supporting resources for why the claim is not true can be made under the Subheading.

No other information or sources should be mentioned in this section. Just the claim from the article and the rationale and resources refuting its truthfulness

Top 5 Recent Tweets

The author is not sure if we are supposed to use this section. However, the section is self-explanatory. Anything added here that fits the title is fair game.

Articles currently being processed and members assigned to them

Role Member
Review the source article Member Name(s)
Extract all claims made by the article Member Name(s)
Research each claim and decide if it is true or not Member Name(s)
Review the Verify.Wiki article and proofread/edit it Member Name(s)
Role Member
Review the source article Member Name(s)
Extract all claims made by the article Member Name(s)
Research each claim and decide if it is true or not Member Name(s)
Review the Verify.Wiki article and proofread/edit it Member Name(s)

Articles considered done by the team

None to date.

Verification history