Social listening

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Social listening is the process of monitoring digital conversations to understand what customers are saying about a brand and industry online. Marketing teams primarily use social listening for community management, such as identifying customer pain points and providing direct consumer response to questions, complaints, and comments. It is also used to surface feedback that could help to differentiate their brand, product, or service. [1]

Social listening can search most publicly indexable properties for contextual mentions of specific words or phrases.

Social Listening for Marketers

Marketers typically use social listening to monitor for brand mentions and understand user sentiment towards a brand. Marketers can use social media in a myriad of ways:

  • Generating Leads
  • Attracting new customers
  • Identifying influencers and advocates
  • Discovering communities
  • Improving customer care
  • Getting feedback on products
  • Finding top talent
  • Driving innovation [2]

Social Listening for Customer Care

Customer care centers can improve customer service through utilizing social listening to quickly identify opportunities to improve customer experience. Social listening can:

  • Measure customer service performance against competitors
  • Identify frequent customer problems that require attention
  • Notify internal departments of key issues in real-time[3]
  • TrackMaven - What is Social Listening
  • Social Media Examiner - 8 Ways to Use Social Listening For Your Business
  • Talk Walker - 3 Steps to Better Customer Service Using Social Listening
  • Verification history

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