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About[edit | edit source]

EnterpriseDB is an enterprise-class database management company headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts, USA. It provides enterprise class software subscriptions, support, and tools for PostgreSQL which is an enterprise-class open source database with a feature set comparable to the major proprietary RDBMS vendors. The company sells its software products through subscriptions with support and updates included. EnterpriseDB subscription products comprise of Postgres Plus Enterprise Edition and Postgres Plus Standard Edition. Postgres Plus Standard Edition includes open source PostgreSQL, tools for performance, scalability, high availability, and management and support and updates. The tools include EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager for managing/monitoring/tuning large-scale Postgres installations. Postgres Plus Enterprise Edition includes the components of Standard Edition plus database compatibility for Oracle, performance and advanced security features not available in PostgreSQL and other features for manageability not available in PostgreSQL. The company also provides two editions of cloud databases : Postgres Plus Cloud Database Basic and Postgres Plus Cloud Database Advanced. The Management Console in the cloud products provision PostgreSQL and Postgres Plus Advanced Server databases (with database compatibility for Oracle) in single instances, high availability clusters, or development sandboxes for Database-as-a-Service environments. In addition, the company also offers PostgreSQL 24×7 support, training, and professional services such as RemoteDBA, Architectural Health Check, migration services and more.

EnterpriseDB was founded by Denis Lussier and Andy Astor with the motive of "disrupting the database oligopoly with an equally capable product based on open-source principles and development that offered dramatic cost-savings." The company chose PostgreSQL as its technology platform given PostgreSQL's record over 20 years of large-scale commercial deployments, its thriving developer community, and its reputation as the most robust open-source database available.

Some of EnterpriseDB’s clients include Japan’s NTT group, Belgium’s Van Genechten Packaging group, Ireland’s WholeWorldBand, South Korea’s KT Corporation and India based InMobi.

Controversies[edit | edit source]

In 2008, EnterpriseDB put out a white paper arguing for the superiority of PostgreSQL over MySQL, even without EnterpriseDB’s own Postgres Plus extensions. EnterpriseDB asserted that MyISAM is the only MySQL storage engine with decent performance despite its flaw of ACID-noncompliance. It argued that row-level triggers, lacking in MySQL but present in PostgreSQL, are the most important kind of trigger. It claimed PostgreSQL is superior in procedural language support and authentication support to MySQL.

History[edit | edit source]

• 2004 : EnterpriseDB was founded.

• May 23, 2005 : Company launches product

• August 2005 : Best Database Award at LinuxWorld

• End of the first quarter of 2006 : 10 paying customers, including Sony Online Entertainment

• 2007 : 100 customer mark

• 2011: launched availability of Postgres Advanced Server 9.0 that promises to savings of more or less 80% versus the common commercial databases existing.

Top 5 Recent Tweets[edit | edit source]

April 18, 2023MohsinEjazIn this latest eBook, we'll explore six telltale signs that your Postgres support needs a makeover. Discover how to… https://t.co/4tuIqRHjZ8
April 18, 2023thenewstackExplaining the PostgreSQL Query Optimizer with Bruce Momjian—Beyond Joins and Indexes: Webinar Recap… https://t.co/NPGdJOtnXK
April 17, 2023EDBPostgresDon’t let the limited availability of Postgres DBAs hold back your business. With outsourcing and upskilling, you c… https://t.co/XirOHf84tx
April 17, 2023Prasad2400📢 Postgres Vision is coming to you in London on 6-June-23.

Register today! https://t.co/QSjPVc2T2a

Time: 08:30 -… https://t.co/U7Vc9yivNJ
April 17, 2023dpostelThere are now 12 free on-demand EDB courses designed to help your organization enhance Postgres skills and knowledg… https://t.co/PHT8jad78Q

{{#https://twitter.com/EDBPostgres/status/738383454832873472:}} {{#https://twitter.com/EDBPostgres/status/738378483651465217:}} {{#https://twitter.com/EDBPostgres/status/738367530612477952:}} {{#https://twitter.com/EDBPostgres/status/738355077694525440:}} {{#https://twitter.com/EDBPostgres/status/738030117885186049:}}

Top 5 Recent News Headlines[edit | edit source]

EDB Launches Industry’s First Integrated Open Source-Based Operational Database Management Platform, May 23, 2016-EnterpriseDB® (EDB™), the enterprise Postgres database company, today announced the immediate availability of the EDB Postgres™ platform, an enterprise class, integrated open source-based database management platform. The EDB Postgres platform enables a wide range of deployment topologies; integrates EDB’s mature, enterprise-ready Postgres database with other leading data management solutions; and offers a specialized partner ecosystem for new, more agile deployment models.

EnterpriseDB Announces ‘Transform Your Database’ Event Series in Europe, May 11, 2016- EnterpriseDB® (EDB™), the enterprise Postgres database company, today announced the “Transform Your Database Tour.” The free events will be staged in 10 cities in Europe to help organizations learn how to strategically transform their datacenters into a platform of innovation to drive digital business initiatives.

Hortonworks Certifies EDB Postgres Advanced Server, May 4, 2016- EnterpriseDB® (EDB™), the Postgres database company, today announced EDB Postgres™Advanced Server, an enhanced version of PostgreSQL for mission-critical enterprise workloads, has been certified for the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP). Combining EDB Postgres with HDP provides organizations with new capabilities to integrate existing data management systems with data in Hadoop clusters for greater analysis and actionable insights.

EnterpriseDB Leads Market as First to Release Accelerated, Log-based Replication Solution Using New Postgres Technology, Apr 21, 2016- EnterpriseDB® (EDB™),the enterprise Postgres database company, today announced the immediate availability of EDB Postgres™ Replication Server 6.0. The log-based solution is the first and only production-ready multi-master replication product to feature new technology developed for PostgreSQL that reduces latency during data replication and dramatically increases performance of transactional workloads that require replication.

Robert Haas of EnterpriseDB to Present Keynote Address at PGConf US 2016, Apr 18, 2016- EnterpriseDB® (EDB™), the enterprise Postgres database company, today announced that Robert Haas, Vice President, Chief Database Architect, will conduct a Keynote address at PGConf US 2016, held April 18-20, 2016, at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge in New York.

Top 5 Lifetime Tweets[edit | edit source]

Top 5 Lifetime News Headlines[edit | edit source]