20th International Conference on Adrenergic Drugs and Adverse Effects

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20th International Conference on Adrenergic Drugs and Adverse Effects
Date 2018-08-27
Place New York, USA

"The ICADAE 2018: 20th International Conference on Adrenergic Drugs and Adverse Effects aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Adrenergic Drugs and Adverse Effects."

"It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Adrenergic Drugs and Adverse Effects."

Top Photos[edit | edit source]

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Selected Conference Papers[edit | edit source]

Committee[edit | edit source]

International Scientific Committee[edit | edit source]

Manju Bhaskar   National Institutes of Health, US
Lei Mei   Agilent Technologies, US
Chun Wu   Mount Marty College, US
Ankit Gupta   University of Chicago, US
Kal Ramnarayan   Sapient Discovery, US
Xintong Wang   Vanderbilt University, US
Gwo-Yu Chuang   National Institutes of Health, US
Shashikant Srivastava   Ut Southwestern Medical Center, US
Mohan Boggara   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US
Chandan Thomas   Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine School of Pharmacy, US
Subeena Sood   Medstar Health Research Institute, US
Boojala Vijay B Reddy   Queens College - City University of New York, US
Zhengwu Lu   Abbott Laboratories, US
David Stiles   Medtronic, US
Ching-An Peng   Michigan Technological University, US
Paola Oceguera   University of Guadalajara, MX
Babak Khalili Hadad   Caucasus International University,ciu, GE
Sunil Kumar   National Taiwan University, TW
Marcello Menapace   M&ms Consulting Ltd, GB
Zaheer Ahmad   Higher Education Department Kpk, PK
M Ishtiaq   Mirpur University of Science and Technology (must), PK
Abhishek Dwivedi   Ram Krishna Dharmarth Foundation University, IN
Utsab Debnath   Bose Institute, IN
Franz Vilca   Universidad Nacional Del Altiplano De Puno, PE
Humaira Khan   Lahore College for Women University, Lahore., PK
Ehab El-Dabaa   Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, EG
Iman Higazy   National Research Center, EG
Ashis Tripathy   Jk Lakshmipat University, Jaipur, IN
ٍshamal Al Muffti   University of Duhok, IQ
Basma Alahmad   International Islamic University, MY
Marcela Elisabeta Barbinta-Patrascu   University of Bucharest, RO
Rayhana Begum   Primeasia University, BD
Walaa Abood   University of Diyala, IQ
Sudhir Sahdev   Institute of Learning and Management, College of Engineering, IN
Gail Louw   University of Cape Town, ZA
Sunil Reddy   Svs Group of Institutions, School of Pharmacy, IN
Aslam Khan   King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, SA
Kambiz Varmira   Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, IR
Fabio Formiga   Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, BR