19th International Conference on Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety and Risk Management

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19th International Conference on Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety and Risk Management
Date 2017-07-20 / 2017-07-21
Place Holiday Inn Paris Montparnasse

Avenue Du Maine, 79-81 Paris, 75014 France

The 19th International Conference on Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety and Risk Management (ICPDSRM 2017), organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety and Risk Management.

It also provides an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety and Risk Management.

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Chair : Pinkie Phaahla
1 Recognition of Voice Commands of Mentor Robot in Noisy Environment Using Hidden Markov Model

Khenfer Koummich Fatma, Hendel Fatiha, Mesbahi Larbi
University of Science and Technology of Oran (USTO) Algeria 

2 Between Buddha and Tsar: Kalmyk Buddhist Sangha in Late Russian Empire

Elzyata Kuberlinova
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Germany 

3 Trend Detection Using Community Rank and Hawkes Process

Shashank Bhatnagar, W. Wilfred Godfrey
Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior India 

4 The Relationships between the Feelings of Bullying, Self- Esteem, Employee Silence, Anger, Self- Blame and Shame

Şebnem Aslan, Demet Akarçay
Selçuk University Turkey 

5 An Overview of Privacy and Security Issues in Social Networks

Mohamad Ibrahim Al Ladan
Rafik Hariri University Lebanon 

6 Motivation and Self-Concept in Language Learning: An Exploratory Study of English Language Learners

A. van Staden, M. M. Coetzee
University of the Free State South Africa 

7 The Dynamics of Jordanian Socio-Political Satire after the Arab Spring

Yousef Barahmeh
University of Portsmouth United Kingdom 

8 The Formation of the Diminutive in Colloquial Jordanian Arabic

Yousef Barahmeh
University of Portsmouth United Kingdom 

9 A Multidimensional Analysis of English as a Medium of Instruction in Algerian Higher Education: Policy, Practices and Attitudes

Imene Medfouni
University of Portsmouth United Kingdom 

10 Responsiveness of Financial Institutions towards the Usage of African Languages in Economic Discourse

Pinkie Phaahla
University of South Africa South Africa 

11 The Analysis of Indian Culture through the Lexicographical Discourse of Hindi-French Dictionary

Tanzil Ansari
Jawaharlal Nehru University India 

12 Dastangoi: Examining the ‘Revival’ of the Lost Art of Urdu Storytelling

Saudamini Deo 
Independent Scholar India 

13 Financial Instrument with High Investment Risk on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

Piotr Prewysz-Kwinto
WSB University in Torun Poland 

14 Awareness and Use Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Medicines among the People of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mohammad Zulfeequar Alam
University of Business and Technology (UBT) Saudi Arabia 

15 Classification of Business Models of Italian Bancassurance by Balance Sheet Indicators

Andrea Bellucci, Martina Tofi
University of Perugia Italy 

16 Study of the Business Ethics Based on Daimler Bribery Case in China

Yuandi Hu, Gang Yang
Southwest University China 

17 An Empirical Study of the International Financial Reporting Standards Education in the United States

Angela McCaskill
Saint Martins University United States 

18 Promote Saudi Kids' English Vocabulary Retention

Ohoud Abdullatif AlShaiji
King Saud University Saudi Arabia 

Chair : Ebtehag Tolba
19 A Robotic Cube to Preschool Children for Acquiring the Mathematical and Colours Concepts

Ahmed Amin Mousa, Tamer M. Ismail, M. Abd El Salam
Cairo University Egypt 

20 Development of Instructional Material Using Scientific Approach to Make the Nature of Science (NOS) and Critical Thinking Explicit on Chemical Bonding and Intermolecular Forces Topics

Ivan Ashif Ardhana, Intan Mahanani
State University of Malang Indonesia 

21 Proposed Program for Developing Some Concepts for Nursery School Children in Egypt Using Artistic Activities

Ebtehag Tolba
Cairo University Egypt 

22 An Electronic and Performance Test for the Applicants to Faculty of Education for Early Childhood in Egypt for Measuring the Skills of Teacher Students 

Ahmed Amin Mousa, Gehan Azam
Cairo University Egypt 

23 Compensation Mechanism Applied to Eco-Tourism Development in China

Min Wei
Xiamen University China 

24 Legal Pluralism vs. Legal Universalism: Deconstructing the Dialogue behind Uniform Civil Code in India

Nabeela Siddiqui
University of Madras India 

25 Breaching Treaty Obligations of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Case of South Africa

David Abrahams
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa 

26 Criminalizing the Transmission of HIV-Lessons for South Africa

Desiree David
Nelson Mandela University South Africa 

27 Designing for Experience-Based Tourism: A Virtual Tour in Tehran

Maryam Khalili, Fateme Ghanei
University of Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic Of 

Chair : Mohamed Elkaftangui
28 Research on the Impact on Building Temperature and Ventilation by Outdoor Shading Devices in Hot-Humid Area: Through Measurement and Simulation on an Office Building in Guangzhou

Hankun Lin, Yiqiang Xiao, Qiaosheng Zhan
South China University of Technology China 

29 Techniques, Models and Drawings for the Control of the Scenic Space and Theatrical Illusion: The Fixed Scene Renaissance of Serlio and Design Vision for the Theater in the Works of Juvarra and Vanvitelli

Alessandro De Masi
Milan Polytechnic, School of Design Italy 

30 Interpreting Architectural and Cultural Heritage Environments in Siwa Oisis, Egypt 

Mohamed Elkaftangui
Abu Dhabi University United Arab Emirates 

31 Near Ambient Pressure Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of CO Oxidation on Spinel Co3O4 Surfaces: Electronic Structure and Mechanistic Aspects of Wet and Dry CO Oxidation

Ruchi Jain, Chinnakonda S. Gopinath
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory India 

32 Analysis of Constructive Technologies in Low Cost Rural Housings: The Case of Building Houses in Rural Settlements in South Mato Grosso, Brazil

Gisele Santos Estrella, Luca E. Medeiros, Marney P. Cereda
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil 

33 Analysis of the Implementation of the Linear Park Project in the Valley Bottoms of the Segredo Stream in Campo Grande, MS (2000-2014) 

Gisele Santos Estrella, Sandino Hoff, Luca Estrella Medeiros
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil 

34 Fluorination Renders the Wood Surface Hydrophobic without Any Loos of Physical and Mechanical Properties

Martial Pouzet, Marc Dubois, Karine Charlet, Alexis Béakou
Université Clermont Auvergne France 

35 Design Procedure of Cold Bitumen Emulsion Mixtures

Hayder Shanbara, Felicite Ruddock, William Atherton, Ali Al-Rifaie
University of Liverpool United Kingdom 

36 Modeling a Sustainable City in the Twenty-First Century: A Case Study of Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria

K. J. Jegede, O. O. Odekunle
Federal Polytechnic Offa Canada 

37 Evaluating Sustainable Transportation Indicators in Tehran Metropolitan

Khashayar Kashani Jou, Ilnaz Fathololoomi
Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e-Qods Branch Iran, Islamic Republic Of 

38 Experiencing an Unknown City: Environmental Features as Pedestrian Wayfinding Clues through the City of Swansea, UK

Hussah Alotaishan
Cardiff Metropolitan University United Kingdom 

39 Performance of Axially Loaded Single Pile Embedded in Cohesive Soil with Cavities

Ali A. Al-Jazaairry, Tahsin T. Sabbagh
University of Salford United Kingdom 

Chair : Haishan Zeng
40 Turing Pattern in the Oregonator Revisited

Elragig Aiman, Dreiwi Hanan, Townley Stuart, Elmabrook Idriss
University of Benghazi Libya 

41 Synthesis, Characterization and Anti-Microbial Study of Urethanized Poly Vinyl Alcohol Metal Complexes

Maha A. Younus, Dhefaf H. Badri, Maha A. Al Abayaji, Taha M. Salih
University of Baghdad Iraq 

42 Liquid and Vapour Phase Antibacterial Activity of Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil = Susceptibility of Selected Respiratory Tract Pathogens

Boukhatem M. N., Ferhat M. A., Mekarnia M.
Département de Biologie et Physiologie Cellulaire, Université Blida 1 Algeria 

43 Precise Spatially Selective Photothermolysis Skin Treatment by Multiphoton Absorption

Yimei Huang, Harvey Lui, Jianhua Zhao, Zhenguo Wu, Haishan Zeng
BC Cancer Agency Research Centre Canada 

44 Biocellulose Template for 3D Mineral Scaffolds

C. Busuioc, G. Voicu, S. I. Jinga
University Politehnica of Bucharest Romania 

45 Phantasi Oto: Phantom Sepuluh Dilatasi Otomatis (Ten Dilatation Automatic Phantom)

Titin Setiyani, Wafda A. Latansyadiena, Mentari Evarani, Muhammad Tatag Arifudin Amali, Faisal Sya'bani
Gadjah Mada University Indonesia 

46 Synthesis of Tricalcium Phosphate Substituted with Magnesium Ions for Bone Regeneration

Andreia Cucuruz, Cristina Daniela Ghitulica, Georgeta Voicu, Cristina Busuioc
University Politehnica of Bucharest Romania 

47 Tricalcium Phosphate-Chitosan Composites for Tissue Engineering Applications 

G. Voicu, C. D. Ghitulica, A. Cucuruz, C. Busuioc
University Politehnica of Bucharest Romania 

48 The Effect of Silanization on Alumina for Improving the Compatibility with Poly(Methacrylic Acid) Matrix for Dental Restorative Materials

Andrei Tiberiu Cucuruz, Ecaterina Andronescu, Cristina Daniela Ghitulica, Andreia Cucuruz
University Politehnica of Bucharest Romania 

49 An Experimental Exploration of the Interaction between Consumer Ethics Perceptions, Legality Evaluations, and Mind-Sets

Daphne Sobolev, Niklas Voege
University College London United Kingdom 

50 Non-Canonical Beclin-1-Independent Autophagy and Apoptosis in Cell Death Induced by Rhus coriaria in Human Colon HT-29 Cancer Cells

Rabah Iratni, Husain El Hasasna, Khawlah Athamneh, Halima Al Sameri, Nehla Benhalilou, Asma Al Rashedi
United Arab Emirates University United Arab Emirates 

51 Consolidated Predictive Model of the Natural History of Breast Cancer Considering Primary Tumor and Secondary Distant Metastases Growth

Ella Tyuryumina, Alexey Neznanov
National Research University Higher School of Economics Russian Federation 

52 Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in a Medical Intensive Care Unit, Incidence and Risk Factors: A Case Control Study

Ammar Asma, Bouafia Nabiha, Ben Cheikh Asma, Ezzi Olfa, Mahjoub Mohamed, Sma Nesrine, Chouchène Imed, Boussarsar Hamadi, Njah Mansour
University Hospital Farhat Hached Tunisia 

53 Incidence and Risk Factors of Central Venous Associated Infections in a Tunisian Medical Intensive Care Unit

Ammar Asma, Bouafia Nabiha, Ghammam Rim, Ezzi Olfa, Ben Cheikh Asma, Mahjoub Mohamed, Helali Radhia, Sma Nesrine, Chouchène Imed, Boussarsar Hamadi, Njah Mansour
University Hospital Farhat Hached Tunisia 

54 Epidemiology of Healthcare-Associated Infections among Hematology/Oncology Patients: Results of a Prospective Incidence Survey in a Tunisian University Hospital

Ezzi Olfa, Bouafia Nabiha, Ammar Asma, Ben Cheikh Asma, Mahjoub Mohamed, Bannour Wadiaa, Achour Bechir, Khelif Abderrahim, Njah Mansour 
University Hospital Farhat Hached Tunisia 

55 Risk Factors of Hospital Acquired Infection Mortality in a Tunisian Intensive Care Unit

Ben Cheikh Asma, Bouafia Nabiha, Ammar Asma, Ezzi Olfa, Meddeb Khaoula, Chouchène Imed, Boussarsar Hamadi, Njah Mansour
University Hospital Farhat Hached Tunisia 

56 Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Children under 5 Years of Age before Introduction of Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV 10) in Urban and Rural Sindh

Muhammad Imran Nisar, Fyezah Jehan, Tauseef Akhund, Sadia Shakoor, Kanwal Nayani, Furqan Kabir, Asad Ali, Anita Zaidi
The Aga Khan University Pakistan 

57 Investigations into the in situ Enterococcus faecalis Biofilm Removal Efficacies of Passive and Active Sodium Hypochlorite Irrigant Delivered into Lateral Canal of a Simulated Root Canal Model

Saifalarab A. Mohmmed, Morgana E. Vianna, Jonathan C. Knowles
Eastman Dental Institute/UCL United Kingdom 

Chair : Kin On Kwok
58 Cytotoxicity and Apoptosis Activity of Areca catechu Linn. Extract as Natural Anticancer Agent for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Liza Meutia Sari, Gus Permana Subita, Elza Ibrahim Auerkari
Syiah Kuala University Indonesia 

59 Relative Importance of Contact Constructs to Acute Respiratory Illness in General Population in Hong Kong

Kin On Kwok, Vivian Wei, Benjamin Cowling, Steven Riley, Jonathan Read
Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 

60 Effect of Clerodendrum Species on Oxidative Stress with Possible Implication in Alleviating Carcinogenesis

Somit Dutta, Pallab Kar, Arnab Kumar Chakraborty, Arnab Sen, Tapas Kumar Chaudhuri 
University of North Bengal India 

61 Managing Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia Appropriately and Safely: A Retrospective Case Series Review

C. M. Williams, R. English, P. King, I. M. Brown
University of Exeter United Kingdom 

62 Pharmacogenetics Study of Dapsone-Induced Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions and HLA Class I Alleles in Thai Patients

Patompong Satapornpong, Therdpong Tempark, Pawinee Rerknimitr, Jettanong Klaewsongkram, Chonlaphat Sukasem
Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Thailand 

63 Assessment of Nursing Students' Attitude toward Learning Communication Skills at King Saud Bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Science, College of Nursing Riyadh

Eman Miligi, Ghada Alateeg, Mariam Alanazi, Miaad Auoad Al Horaim
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences Saudi Arabia 

64 Jagiellonian University Medical College

Vedaste Baziga
University of Rwanda Rwanda 

65 Anticancer Activity of Calyx of Diospyros kaki Thunb. through Downregulation of Cyclin D1 Protein Level in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells

Jin Boo Jeong
Andong National University Korea, Republic Of 

66 Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Pyrazol-3-yl Thiazole 4-Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Targeting Enzyme in the Leukotriene Pathway

Shweta Sinha, Mukesh Doble, Manju S. L.
VIT University India 

67 Protective Effect of the Histamine H3 Receptor Antagonist DL77 in Behavioral Cognitive Deficits Associated with Schizophrenia

B. Sadek, N. Khan, D. Łażewska, K. Kieć-Kononowicz
College of Medicine, United Arab Emirates University United Arab Emirates 

68 The Effect of Aerobics Course on Fitness Ability of the University Students

Hui-Fang Lee, Hsuan-Jung Hsieh, Wen-Chi Lu, Meng-Chu Liu
Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology Taiwan 

69 Comparison between Mental Toughness and Level of Physical Activity between Staff and Students in University of Tabriz

Mahta Eskandarnazhad, Fahimeh Rezaei, Nasser A. Gharehaghaj
University of Tabriz Iran, Islamic Republic Of 

Chair : Mohd Sukeri Mohd Yusof
70 Failure Criterion for Mixed Mode Fracture of Cracked Wood Specimens

Mahdi Fakoor, Seyed Mohammad Navid Ghoreishi
University of Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic Of 

71 Effects of AG1 and AG2 QTLs on Rice Seedling Growth and Physiological Processes during Germination in Flooded Soils

Satyen Mondal, Frederickson Entila, Shalabh Dixit, Pompe C. Sta. Cruz, Abdelbagi M. Ismail
International Rice Research Institute Philippines 

72 Preparation of Polymer-Stabilized Magnetic Iron Oxide as Selective Drug Nanocarriers to Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Kheireddine El-Boubbou
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences Saudi Arabia 

73 Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Screening of 3-Hydroxy-2-[3-(2/3/4-Methoxybenzoyl)Thioureido]Butyric Acid

Mohd Sukeri Mohd Yusof, Ramizah Ramli, Siti Kamilah Che Soh, Noraznawati Ismail, Nurziana Ngah
University Malaysia Terengganu Malaysia 

74 Synergistic Effect of Carbon Nanostructures and Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes on the Piezoelectric Property of Polyvinylidene Fluoride

Deepalekshmi Ponnamma, Erturk Alper, Pradeep Sharma, Mariam Al Ali AlMaadeed
Qatar University Qatar 

75 Core-Shell Nanofibers for Prevention of Postsurgical Adhesion

Jyh-Ping Chen, Chia-Lin Sheu
Chang Gung University Taiwan 

76 Optimization of Surface Coating on Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications

Xiao-Li Liu, Ling-Yun Zhao, Xing-Jie Liang, Hai-Ming Fan
National Center for Nanoscience and Technology China 

77 Comparative Study of Extraction Methods of Citrus Essential Oil from Algeria: Cold Pressing, Hydrodistillation and Microwave Dry Distillation

Ferhat M. A., Boukhatem M. N., Meklati B. Y.
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Vieux-Kouba, Alger Algeria 

78 Digital Manufacturing: Evolution and a Process Oriented Approach to Align with Business Strategy

Abhimanyu Pati, Prabir K. Bandyopadhyay
University of Blida Algeria 

79 An Empirical Study of the Impacts of Big Data on Firm Performance

Thuan Nguyen
School of Management - University of Texas at Dallas United States 

80 Building a Dynamic News Category Network for News Sources Recommendations

Swati Gupta, Shagun Sodhani, Dhaval Patel, Biplab Banerjee
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India 

81 Low Trigger Voltage Silicon Controlled Rectifier Stacking Structure with High Holding Voltage for High Voltage Applications

Kyoung-Il Do, Jun-Geol Park, Hee-Guk Chae, Jeong-Yun Seo, Yong-Seo Koo
Dankook University Korea, Republic Of 

82 Electric Vehicle Market Penetration Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Policy-Making: A Case Study of United Arab Emirates 

Ahmed Kiani
Core Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pakistan 

83 Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Nanofluid TiO₂ through a Solar Flat Plate Collector

A. Maouassi, A. Beghidja, S. Daoud, N. Zeraibi
Constantine 1 University (University of Mentouri) Algeria 

84 Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater with Fins and Perforated Twisted Tape Insert

Rajesh Kumar, Prabha Chand
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur India 

85 Production and Characterization of Biochars from Torrefaction of Biomass

Serdar Yaman, Hanzade Haykiri-Acma
Istanbul Technical University Turkey 

86 Thermohydraulic Performance of Double Flow Solar Air Heater with Corrugated Absorber

S. P. Sharma, Som Nath Saha
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur India 

87 Modeling of Watershed at Flood Events

Imene Skhakhfa, Lahbaci Ouerdachi
Badji Mokhtar University Algeria 

Chair : Swee Hock Yeo
88 Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Lake Ol Bolossat Catchment, Nyandarua County, Kenya

John Wangui, Charles Gachene, Stephen Mureithi, Boniface Kiteme
Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD) Kenya 

89 Water Quality and Coastal Management Profile Assessment of Puerto Galera Bay, Philippines

Ma. Manna Farrel B. Pinto
PH Philippines 

90 Rural Water Supply Services in India: Developing a Composite Summary Score

Mimi Roy, Sriroop Chaudhuri
O.P. Jindal Global University India 

91 Changing Dimensions of Groundwater Resources in Texas, United States of America: A Multivariate Geospatial Analysis for Pattern Recognition in Water Contamination/Salinization over Time (1960-2010)

Sriroop Chaudhuri, Mimi Roy
O. P. Jindal Global University India 

92 Estimation of Eucalyptus Wood Calorific Potential for Energy Recovering

N. Ouslimani, N. Hakimi, H. Aksas
M’Hamed Bouguerra University of Boumerdés Algeria 

93 Drape Simulation by Commercial Software and Subjective Assessment of Virtual Drape

Evrim Buyukaslan, Simona Jevsnik, Fatma Kalaoglu
Istanbul Bilgi University Turkey 

94 A Design for Supply Chain Model by Integrated Evaluation of Design Value and Supply Chain Cost 

Yuan-Jye Tseng, Jia-Shu Li
Yuan Ze University Taiwan 

95 Inverse Engineering: The New Competitive Advantage for a Quick Customer Response 

Israel Becerril Rosales, Gerardo Villa Sanchez, Orlando Soriano Vargas
Higher Technological Studies Jocotitlán Mexico 

96 The Effect of Rheological Properties and Spun/Meltblown Fiber Characteristics on “Hotmelt Bleed through” Behavior in High Speed Textile Backsheet Lamination Process

Kinyas Aydin, Fatih Erguney, Tolga Ceper, Serap Ozay, Ipar N. Uzun, Sebnem Kemaloglu Dogan, Deniz Tunc
Hayat Kimya Turkey 

97 Effect of Repellent Coatings, Aerosol Protective Liners, and Lamination on the Properties of Chemical/Biological Protective Textiles

Natalie Pomerantz, Nicholas Dugan, Molly Richards, Walter Zukas
Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC) United States 

98 The Effective Operations Competitive Advantages of Mobile Phone Service Providers across Countries: The Case of Middle East Region

Yazan Khalid Abed-Allah Migdadi
Yarmouk University Jordan 

99 The Coalescence Process of Droplet Pairs in Different Junctions

Xiang Wang, Yan Pang, Zhaomiao Liu
Beijing University of Technology China 

100 The Droplet Generation and Flow in the T-Shape Microchannel with the Side Wall Fluctuation

Yan Pang, Xiang Wang, Zhaomiao Liu
Beijing University of Technology China 

101 Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Turbulence in Electromagnetically Driven Flow Excited at Two Scales

Charbel Habchi, Ghassan Antar
Notre Dame University - Louaize Lebanon 

102 An Investigation of Surface Texturing by Ultrasonic Impingement of Micro-Particles

Nagalingam Arun Prasanth, Ahmed Syed Adnan, S. H. Yeo
Nanyang Technological University Singapore 

103 The Magnetized Quantum Breathing in Cylindrical Dusty Plasma

A. Abdikian
Malayer University Iran, Islamic Republic Of 

104 Implication of the Exchange-Correlation on Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

A. Abdikian
Malayer University Iran, Islamic Republic Of 

105 Nonlinear Propagation of Acoustic Soliton Waves in Dense Quantum Electron-Positron Magnetoplasma

A. Abdikian
Malayer University Iran, Islamic Republic Of 

Chair : Mahmod Sahebi
106 Markov Random Field-Based Segmentation Algorithm for Detection of Land Cover Changes Using Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetric Images

Mehrnoosh Omati, Mahmod Reza Sahebi
K. N. Toosi University of Technology Iran

Selected Conference Papers[edit | edit source]

1)Appraisal of Humanitarian Supply Chain Risks Using Best-Worst Method
Ali Mohaghar, Iman Ghasemian Sahebi, Alireza Arab
2)Patient Support Program in Pharmacovigilance: Foster Patient Confidence and Compliance
Atul Khurana, Rajul Rastogi, Hans-Joachim Gamperl
3)Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring in the Northern Region of Zambia
Ponshano Kaselekela, Simooya O. Oscar, Lunshano Boyd
4)Features of Formation and Development of Possessory Risk Management Systems of Organization in the Russian Economy
Mikhail V. Khachaturyan, Inga A. Koryagina, Maria Nikishova
5)Risk Management Strategy for Protecting Cultural Heritage: Case Study of the Institute of Egypt 
Amany A. Ragheb, Ghada Ragheb, Abd ElRahman A.
6)Perceptions of Cybersecurity in Government Organizations: Case Study of Bhutan
Pema Choejey, David Murray, Chun Che Fung
7)Ports and Airports: Gateways to Vector-Borne Diseases in Portugal Mainland
Maria C. Proença, Maria T. Rebelo, Maria J. Alves, Sofia Cunha
8)Risk Based Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Urban Infrastructure Transportation Project 
Debasis Sarkar
9)A Risk Management Approach for Nigeria Manufacturing Industries
Olaniyi O. Omoyajowo
10)Analysis of Factors Used by Farmers to Manage Risk: A Case Study on Italian Farms
A. Pontrandolfi, G. Enjolras, F. Capitanio
11)Improving the Management Systems of the Ownership Risks in Conditions of Transformation of the Russian Economy
Mikhail V. Khachaturyan
12)Financial Portfolio Optimization in Electricity Markets: Evaluation via Sharpe Ratio
F. Gökgöz, M. E. Atmaca
13)Managing of Work Risk in Small and Medium-Size Companies
Janusz K. Grabara, Bartłomiej Okwiet, Sebastian Kot
14)Financial Portfolio Optimization in Turkish Electricity Market via Value at Risk
F. Gökgöz, M. E. Atmaca
15)Risk Management in Islamic Banks: A Case Study of the Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt
Mohamed Saad Ahmed Hussien

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