VerifyWiki:Competitive Intelligence

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Verify.Wiki's Competitive Intelligence platform is based on a very simple concept. Your employees are the best source to gather competitive intelligence. By engaging your employees in a very easy to use and compliant tool, you can crowd-source competitive intelligence much more effectively than any other methodologies.

  • Create a Verify.Wiki template page for a competitive product, company or even a customer
  • Invite your employees to contribute competitive intelligence to the page
  • Employees contribute and verify each others contributions through the platform
  • The platform also provides automatic live online news and social media posts for the topic
  • Allows employees to simply send emails to a common mailbox and automatically saves them to the appropriate page
  • Entire company gets a Wikipedia style, easy to read page for a competitive intelligence topic
  • Verify.Wiki picks a winner - every month - based on the contributions and verifications provided by your employees and sends the person a $100 gift card to motivate participation (prize money is included in your license fee)
  • Includes SCIP Code of Ethics monitoring to ensure compliance

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