VerifyWiki:Certificate in Current Pharmacovigilance Regulatory Landscape

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Verify.Wiki's FREE certifications solve some of the important problems encountered in traditional learning.

  • Always updated Course Materials. With Verify.Wiki courses, you are guaranteed the course materials are updated constantly to reflect latest developments
  • Collaborative Learning. With Verify.Wiki, you learn from each other as opposed to learning from an instructor
  • Continuous Learning. With Verify.Wiki, you don't stop learning even after completing the certification

Verify.Wiki's Certificate in Current Pharmacovigilance Regulatory Landscape helps life sciences professionals keep in touch with new and upcoming industry regulations related to pharmacovigilance. In this program, students and professionals learn about the latest regulatory requirements in real-time by collaborating with Pharmacovigilance experts and peers around the world, researching the latest regulatory documents, conference presentations and news/social media on the current global PV landscape. The transparent and continuous collaborative nature of Verify.Wiki's courses keep students up-to-date with the latest developments, even after they complete their certifications.


SELF LEARNING[edit | edit source]


  • Research regulatory websites, conference tweets, news, and social media sites about the latest developments in Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety
  • Add or modify a minimum of 50 words by picking a recently concluded conference from Pharmacovigilance Conferences. You can research the web or Twitter to learn about topics presented at a conference. Learning and writing about a conference has proven to be very effective to learn about latest developments in Drug Safety.
  • Add or modify a minimum 50 words by picking a company from companies providing drug safety services. Learning about a company provides the big picture about the industry.
  • Provide credible references for all your content
  • You can claim your contributions as real-world project experience in your resume

EXAMPLES OF COURSEWORK[edit | edit source]

COLLABORATION[edit | edit source]

  • Invite peers or fellow students to verify your coursework (it is easier to invite them every time you save an edit)
  • Receive at least 3 verifications for your individual edits from others
  • Provide a minimum of 15 verifications for individual edits of others


  • Minimum 90% grade on the quizzes with three attempts
  • Minimum 100 words of new or modified content across pages
  • At least one edit in a conference page
  • At least one edit in a company page
  • Receive at least 3 verifications for the content you added from peers or experts (the platform provides an easy to use interface to invite peers and experts)
  • Provide at least 15 verifications for individual edits of others
  • Once completed, send an email to with a link to your profile page. Our certifications team will evaluate your coursework and quiz results and provide you the certification
  • Certifications have a six month expiry period. Students are required to take the certifications minimum every six months to keep themselves updated of the changing regulations.

Cost of the certification[edit | edit source]

Category One-time Certification Cost Semi-annual Re-certification
Professional $20 $20/year

Verify.Wiki vs. Traditional instructor lead approach[edit | edit source]

Verify.Wiki was created by former Wikipedians (people who edit Wikipedia pages) to bring the power of Wikis for collaborative learning and content marketing. We observed that people who collaborate on Wikipedia projects slowly became the best subject matter experts in a field due to the rigorous peer review and fact checking process involved in creating and maintaining a wiki. By applying the same process to collaborative learning, we noticed that students and professionals are 40% more effective in learning the "big picture" of a real-world subject, compared to traditional instructor lead courses. Today, thousands of students and professionals use Verify.Wiki certifications to learn subjects that are never taught in colleges or other professional learning avenues. These certifications have tremendously helped our students find the best job for their skills and become successful in their careers. Companies are using Verify.Wiki certifications to provide a continuous learning environment for their employees in very specific areas of their businesses.

Advantages of Verify.Wiki Certifications over traditional certifications[edit | edit source]

  • Dynamic nature of Verify.Wiki programs provide students with up-to-date and continuous learning material as opposed to mostly outdated and snapshot materials provided in other static courses
  • Inclusion of conferences in the learning process provide students latest research and findings presented by experts throughout the year
  • Collaborative nature of the programs provide students an opportunity to learn from both experts and peers
  • Students get an opportunity to network with experts and peers from around the world

Does Verify.Wiki have tutorials on how to edit and verify articles?[edit | edit source]

Yes. Here is the link to the tutorial.