Nirvana Penang

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Nirvana Penang Nirvana Asia Group is a world-class, full-fledged integrated bereavement care provider with over three decades of experience in memorial park operations. We play a vital role in promoting culture, most notably in funeral rites and traditions within the Malaysian Chinese community. We aspire to constantly keep improving, innovating and raising our standards of service as a leader in the industry in Malaysia and Asia as a whole. Visit us :

槟城富贵山庄富贵集团成立于1990年,是一家具有国际水准的全方位殡葬服务企业。富贵集团经历30年的光景,以经营风景墓园,提倡华社殡葬文化。在不断努力提升、改进与创新之际,提升了殡葬行业的水准,奠定了马来西亚以至全亚洲殡葬行业领导者的地位。 自成立第一家获得雪州政府批准的私营化墓园-士毛月富贵山庄,至今,富贵集团业务已横跨海内外各地:包括雪兰莪州莎亚南和巴生、槟城和大山脚、柔佛古来、昔加末、地南、吉隆坡、吉打双溪大年、霹雳州怡保、马六甲、沙巴亚庇和砂拉越诗巫。至于海外分行则包括印尼的雅加达和棉兰、泰国春武里临湖县和新加坡。更多详情:

Our Mission

Adhere to a “customer-oriented” attitude and provide professional one-stop services.We look to diligently demonstrating the highest degree of professionalism, empathy and sensitivity while assisting our customers and their loved ones during critical moments and to continue exercising our responsibility as an industry leader by setting high standards of service while maintaining safe and fair business practices.




Our Vision

Committed to providing quality services that are meticulous, professional and highly personalized.We aspire to be caring and responsible organisation towards society even as we grow. We are committed to providing detailed care and highly personalisez quality service with utthe most professionalism to our customers.


