Mikal Belicove

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Mikal E. Belicove is a magazine contributor, book author, and ghost writer who opines about entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, emerging technologies, and more. The third edition of his latest co-authored book, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Facebook,” was published by Penguin Group (USA), while his next book, “Strategy? You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!,” is set to publish in 2018.

Mikal wrote the “Build a Website” and “Ask a Geek” columns for Entrepreneur magazine from April 2009 until December 2016, The Business End blog for Forbes Magazine, the ‘EdTech Matters’ column for Today’s Campus magazine, and has contributed to SUCCESS Magazine, Natural Foods Merchandiser and NewHope360, among other. His thoughts and opinions have been featured in and cited by The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, BusinessInsider.com, CNBC.com, American Express OPEN, U.S. World & News Report, TheStreet.com, The Globe and Mail, PC World, and Yahoo! Finance.

In addition to his writing, Mikal has served on SXSW's Accelerator Advisory Board, Keystone College’s Board of Trustees, Cottonwood Institute’s Advisory Board, and is asked to speak at conferences across the globe. He freelances at the intersection of brand journalism & integrated marketing communications. In this role, Mikal provides enterprises and SMBs with counsel and content to define, leverage and manage their brands.

Previously, Mikal launched, managed and sold a Boulder, Colo.-based Internet start-up; worked in Acquisitions at John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NYSE: JW.A) and Pearson plc (NYSE: PSO); and worked in a variety of executive roles for start-ups and nonprofit orgs, including the Association for Experiential Education and Adventure Travel Trade Association.

A graduate of Keystone College who received an Honorary Ph.D. from the school when he delivered its 2012 Commencement Keynote Address, when he’s not working, Mikal can be found dreaming about training for half-marathons and playing table-tennis.


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