Gary Krasilovsky
Gary Krasilovsky, PT, PhD, SST is presently the Chief Scientific Officer at Jogo Health, adjunct Associate Professor in the Physical Therapy Department at Hunter College and provides and educates clients on the Schroth physical therapy management for scoliosis. His background is teaching and clinical research including the use of EMG Biofeedback in retraining function after a stroke and other movement disorders. Dr. Krasilovsky has published in many peer review journals and presented at various national conferences.
Physical Therapist; Neurological Rehabilitation; Electromyographic (EMG) Biofeedback and Diagnostic EMG; Clinical Research; Schroth Physical Therapist.
Job History
New York University Department of Physical Therapy - 1974-1983; Private Practice Physical Therapist 1975 - present; Consultant to local Connecticut Nursing Home; Home Care Physical Therapist; Chief, Physical Therapy Department, Norwalk Hospital 1980's; Hunter College Physical Therapy Department - Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Department Chair, Adjunct Associate Professor - 1987-present. Consultant to Sanjai Murali and Jogo Health, Chief Scientific Officer - 2012 - present.
Education History
University of Missouri - BS in Special Education, Orthopedically Handicapped 1971.
New York University - Certificate in Physical Therapy, 1973
New York University - MA in Pathokinesiology (PT Department) 1977.
New York University - PhD in Pathokinesiology (PT Department) 1989.